Alan Dershowitz on visiting the sites of HamaSS barbarism; “Titania McGrath”s satirical woke is outdone by the real thing; forgotten French-Russian proxy war in Africa

(a) A cri de coeur from Alan Dershowitz, at the time that “Abu Hunter” Biden clearly got his marching orders from Beijing and is selling Israel down the river, in the hope of tying the US in another forever proxy war so Xi can have his wicked way in Taiwan and the Philippines:

(b) Andrew Doyle, creator of the satirical uber-woke persona “Titania McGrath”, sees his over-the-top satire being outdone by the real, humorless wokescolds.

(c) Simultaneously with Ukraine, Israel-HamaSS, and the like, there is another proxy war going on that has completely escaped attention, and goes a long way to explaining why onetime Putin-near-appeaser Macron took a 180-degree turn. (Say what you want about Macron le con, but he’s more capable of learning from mistakes than most.) The video is rather unsympathetic to France, but it’s the first discussion of the issue I’ve seen. This is definitely a story to follow.

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