BREAKING: Durham report released, and it’s damning

(A) Remember “Russia! Russia! Trump! Trump!” Being screeched 24/7/365 by the DNC’s Olympic Synchronized Turntabling Team, a.k.a. The mainstream media. Well, the long-awaited Durham Report on his special investigation has been released, and wow…

The full text of the report can be read here:

Commentary by “The Five” below. In polite language, Durham is saying that the FBI convinced themselves that Orange Man Bad was the greatest danger to “US democracy” ever, and in their eagerness to find something, anything to pin on him, they threw all caution to the wind. “The Five” comment below:

ADDENDUM: Powerline digs into the report. Good grief.

While measured in tone, the report’s Executive Summary is harshly critical of the FBI. Much of what it details has already been in the public domain, but quite a bit is, I think, new. It is obvious from Durham’s narrative that the FBI signed on with the Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, and used its powers to try to swing the election her way. Failing that, the FBI despicably did its best to destroy the incoming Trump administration, and in great part succeeded.

There was never any reason to believe that the allegations in the Steele reports, which were opposition “research” paid for by the Clinton campaign, were true, and at an early date the FBI knew that the so-called dossier was baseless, and in some instances was admittedly fabricated. The FBI and the Department of Justice lied to the FISA court to obtain search warrants relating to the wholly innocent Carter Page, as part of their clandestine effort to destroy Trump. The FBI went so far as to offer the thoroughly discredited Christopher Steele $1 million if he could come up with dirt on Trump–and this was after Steele had admitted to the Bureau that he had no evidence to support the fantasies set forth in his reports.

[…] It turns out that some of the key allegations of the Steele reports actually came from a Democratic National Committee staffer with close ties to Russian officials, who initially lied to the FBI […]

The FBI didn’t investigate because it wasn’t looking for the truth, it was trying to help Democrats win the presidency. As the Durham report shows, the Bureau immediately launched Crossfire Hurricane on the flimsiest pretext, in sharp contrast to its conduct with respect to other issues that put Democrats in a bad light, which the Bureau simply buried.

The Clinton campaign’s fabrication of the Steele “dossier” and the promotion of its fabrications by the FBI, the CIA and the American press represent the worst scandal in the history of American politics, by a wide margin. Heads should roll, but they won’t. The Democrats have circled the wagons, almost entirely successfully. Corruption at a level never before seen in our country will go unpunished. But at least, the Durham Report will stand as historical documentation of what went wrong.

(B) A noteworthy new op-ed by Insty in the NYPost on how the “democratic” party is increasingly throwing black voters under the bus in favor of illegal immigrants and other aspects of the woke “anointed”agenda.

He also points out that if a constituency blindly votes knee jerk in lockstep for party A (like the district in Chicago that votes 97% D), then the party will take it for granted and neglect it to go court other saps. (I have been telling American Jews the same for many years.)

Insty concludes:

The truth is the Democratic Party is no longer the party of the working class and the poor.

It’s the party of well-off woke white people and the billionaires who fund their nonprofits and control their corporate employers.

The GOP is now the multiracial party representing the interests of working-class Americans of all extractions.

The Democrats’ nightmare is that black voters will figure that out before 2024.

Read the whole thing, as always with Insty.

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