Brokeback Biden and his puppeteer 0bama to Iran: “I wish I knew how to quit you”

Seriously, folks:

(A) from very bad to worse:
“…Now dig this: A Biden Administration National Security Advisor was caught in one of Project Veritas’s stings saying that Biden is going to condemn Israel’s actions in defending itself — but is going to wait until after the election, because of “powerful Jewish influence.” (
He says that if Biden condemns Israel now, the Jews will “play the martyr,” like, you know,
Those People
always do. A White House National Security advisor said that President Joe Biden is waiting until his second term to condemn Israel’s actions during its war against Hamas because a “powerful Jewish influence” is preventing him from doing so now, according to an undercover video of the advisor.
Cyber policy advisor Sterlin Waters said, “If Biden won again he could be much more forthright about saying ‘No'” to Israel, according to an undercover video of him taken by guerilla journalist group Project Veritas.
He also said that the Biden administration is “having internal deliberations about stuff, whether Israel’s actually f***ing up or not,” and the discussions can’t be public “because it would piss people actually off” and risk the 2024 election.
If the Biden administration were to speak out against Israel before the election, Waters warned that Israel supporters would “twist this message … to play like that — a martyr,” and that “there’s a huge, powerful Jewish influence in Republican and Democrat politics and the administration is definitely facing a conundrum.”

ideo embedded at Project Veritas. (
He warned Israel: “You’re not going to be able to lie and bomb those kids without facing consequences.”
Real-life “National Security Advisor,” you guys.
Sterlin Waters, a cyber policy advisor for the National Security Council, told a Veritas journalist that Joe Biden is a facing a ‘conundrum’ that prevents him from condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza. Waters reports to Deputy National Security Advisor for Cyber and Emerging Technology, Anne Neuberger, who reports to NSA Director Jake Sullivan. On camera
Waters refers to his boss Neuberger as “very Jewish.”

I’m sure he meant that in the best possible way.

(B) But the fish rots down from the head:

According to an report from Middle East Eye, the US was in secret negotiations with Iran, discussing, among other things, their shared desire for a different government in Israel. 

The US and Iran were discussing changing Israel’s government. Biden thinks the US shares an interest regarding Israel. 

Let that sink in. 

The talks have naturally been put on hold since the helicopter crash that killed both Iran’s president and foreign minister. It’s hard to make “progress” when your interlocutors are dead. 

But apparently, the Iranians had been making progress with the White House, and we all got to see the results: Joe Biden stabbing Israel in the back. 

Secret talks between Iran and the United States in Oman were making good progress, but have now been jeopardised by the sudden death of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his foreign minister.

Brett McGurk, US President Joe Biden’s senior Middle East adviser, held indirect negotiations earlier this month with Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran’s point man for negotiations with the West, according to three Iranian sources close to the talks.

The talks took place in Muscat, which hosted secret meetings between Tehran and Washington a decade ago that led to the 2015 JCPOA (joint comprehensive plan of action) nuclear agreement.

They were the first round of discussions between the US and Iran since January.

One source close to the talks, which were first reported by Axios on Friday, told Middle East Eye that discussions between Bagheri Kani and McGurk were progressing well and were close to reaching some sort of agreement.

Bagheri Kani was deputy foreign minister at the time, but following the death of Hossein Amir-Abdollahian in the helicopter crash that killed Raisi on Sunday, he is now acting foreign minister.

The talks focused on three subjects: a shared desire for a change in government in Israel; ending Israel’s war on Gaza; and preventing the conflict from spreading elsewhere in the region.

On the one hand, one could say: back-channel contacts between enemies happen even in the hottest of hot wars (the heads of MI6 and the Abwehr met on neutral ground in 1943). On the other hand, the acharnement thérapeutique (therapeutic relentlessness) with which the 0bama regime has been wooing Iran during its first, second, and now (covert, with Abu Hunter as cover) third term makes one wonder if these “people” are incredibly naive, in bed with Iran, or both.

(c) I’m a longtime believer in Hanlon’s Razor (actually Heinlein’s Razor): “do not attribute to malice what you can adequate explain by stupidity” (or “by incompetence”). And this is making me seriously wonder if that bunch of overcredentialed, undereducated bright-normals with delusions of genius simply is that dumb: Biden misses deadline to qualify for the Ohio ballot. The article did point out that Abu Hunter isn’t competitive in that state anyway, but still… or are we overlooking signs that they might wish to dump the increasingly more obviously senile Biden for… even Klueless Kackling Kamala if need be?!

(d) But the question “actual malice or incredible dumbassery?” is not limited to the USA. Seven months after the deadliest pogrom since the Shoah, Ireland, Spain, and Norway find nothing better than to reward the “Palestinians” with support for statehood. Of course, they claim they are trying to buttress the “Palestinian authority” (which anyhow has very little support in the street) but in the process they are completely forgetting about the Freakonomics law of incentives: any behavior one rewards, one will get more of.

(e) and don’t even get me started on the subject of the Islamist and Commie Collusionists, a.k.a. the International Clown Court, a.k.a. the prolapsed rectum of the international legal community.

(f) Meanwhile, Times of Israel editor David Horovitz suspects Netanyahu is set to spurn Saudi normalization in order to placate the coalition partners who have him by the beitzim

Time is potentially limited for a US-Saudi-Israel agreement by the US presidential elections. Netanyahu may believe that his smartest course is to wait out the Biden administration in the hope that Donald Trump will return to the presidency and offer unconditional support for him and his core coalition allies. It’s not at all clear that this would be the case.

And it may well be that Israel will have cause to deeply regret the missed opportunity — a chance for significant regional change that is not without complex challenges, but that may represent the least bad alternative for an Israel in crisis.

ADDENDUM: Yigal Carmon, founding president of MEMRI (a think than that primarily monitors and translates Arabic, Farsi, etc. Media that are not meant for Western audiences) dug up a 2013 report written by ICC prosecutor Karim Khan, in which he took serious umbrage at the court and questioned if it was at all capable of administering justice. (Khan had just sat on the other side of the fence, as legal counsel to deposed Liberian strongman Charles Taylor.)

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