Stranger than fiction: the Nazi Gay Parade

Robomonkey posted this bizarre ad:

As it turns out (link via comments), this was actually part of an anti-Nazi protest:

Once a year busloads of Nazis from all over Scandinavia arrive at the little town of Lund, Sweden. They come to march in honour of [Charles XII], who is buried there. Despite people[‘s] disgust and negative media coverage, the Nazi community is still growing. To annoy the Nazi marchers the town was covered with banners and posters for a fake “Nazi Gay Parade”.

4 thoughts on “Stranger than fiction: the Nazi Gay Parade

  1. Interestingly, I just did a Google search for the phrase “Queers for Palestine”, and discovered the the second result (after QfP’s own Web site), was my report about them! Wow.

    Google is my friend.

    Anyway, I think it is a mistake on the part of the left to think they can humiliate the Nazis by making them march under gay banners. Everyone, including the neo-Nazis themselves, know there was a big homosexual component to the early Nazi movement. I suppose that American neo-Nazis might be anti-gay simply because they are bigoted in general, but Euro neo-Nazis I assume should be accepting of gayness, since (as you mention in your comment at RoboMonkey) some major Nazi leaders were flamboyantly gay.

    I doubt the average ignorant modern Nazi has much knowledge of the details of the evolution of Nazi ideology between 1924 and 1945, so they may not distinguish between the pre-“Night of the Long Knives” era and the post-“Night of the Long Knives” era, after which public flamboyance was more taboo.

    • Everyone, including the neo-Nazis themselves, know there was a big homosexual component to the early Nazi movement.

      Yep, I knew that… which is why I wasn’t sure whether or not the gay Nazi banners were real until I did a search. Google is a friend to us all.

  2. Follow-up to my previous comment — from wikipedia:

    “Hitler named Victor Lutze to replace Röhm as head of the SA [after the Night of the Long Knives in 1934]. Hitler ordered him, as one prominent historian described it, to put an end to “homosexuality, debauchery, drunkenness, and high living” in the SA.”

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