Pro-HamaSS ghouls harassing Ted Cruz; Nick Kristof stumbles over the truth that much of leftism is “performative”; why was Frederick Forsyth’s ‘The Fourth Protocol’ bowdlerized?

(a) A bunch of pro-HamaSS losers and zielige aftrekkers (possibly even on the taxpayer’s dime?!) have been bashing their bishops kettles at all hours at Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)’s suburban DC home. (His main home is in Houston; many senators, for obvious reasons, have secondary residences in Washington, DC or its suburbs in the adjacent states of Virginia or Maryland.)

Powerline wonders if law enforcement would be equally tolerant if right-wing protesters were to hold similar “wakes” outside the residence of Fauxcahontas Lieawatha. Perhaps they could hyelpfully remind her of all the instances where she falsely claimed Native American ancestry to climb the career ladder, or of how much money she has taken from the banking indistry while risibly posing as an advocate for the common person.

(b) Even NYT columnist Nicholas Jackoff Kristof can stumble over the truth sometimes. (paywalled; cached copy; multiple h/t’s for this one). (For context, Kristof tried to run for Oregon governor in 2022, but was told by the OR Secretary of State that he didn’t meet the 3-year residency requirement.)

As Democrats make their case to voters around the country this fall, one challenge is that some of the bluest parts of the country — cities on the West Coast — are a mess.

Centrist voters can reasonably ask: Why put liberals in charge nationally when the places where they have greatest control are plagued by homelessness, crime and dysfunction? . .

We [liberals] are more likely to believe that “housing is a human right” than conservatives in Florida or Texas, but less likely to actually get people housed. We accept a yawning gulf between our values and our outcomes. . .

[M]y take is that the West Coast’s central problem is not so much that it’s unserious as that it’s infected with an ideological purity that is focused more on intentions than on oversight and outcomes. . . Politics always is part theater, but out West too often we settle for being performative rather than substantive.

For example, as a gesture to support trans kids, Oregon took money from the tight education budget to put tampons in boys’ restrooms in elementary schools — including boys’ restrooms in kindergartens.

Of course, moral self-gratification (as distinct from solving concrete problems for actual people) has not just been a feature of the soft left — it’s arguably its very essence, other than of course pure Nietzscheian Will To Power (Wille zur Macht).

(c) Bestselling (and genre-transforming) thriller novelist Frederick Forsyth discovers that his The Fourth Protocol was bowdlerized without his knowledge… and that the affected passages were those describing a Marxist “march through the institutions”. Was the wording of the passages too similar to some published “revolutionary” how-to manual (there are ‘fair use’ ways to handle that, in the context of a long book), or did he come to close to the truth for the comfort of some editor? Judge the expurgated text for yourselves:

…all history teaches that soundly based democracies can only be toppled by mass action in the streets when the police and armed forces have been sufficiently penetrated by the revolutionaries that large numbers of them can be expected to refuse to obey the orders of their officers and side instead with the demonstrators….

Our friends have done what they can. Since taking control of numerous large metropolitan authorities, through the press and the media, at every level high and low, they have either themselves, or using wild young people of the Trotskyite [i.e., communist] splinter factions as shock troops, carried out an unrelenting campaign to denigrate, vilify and undermine the British police. The aim, of course, is to vitiate or destroy the confidence of the British public in their police, which unfortunately remains the most affable and disciplined in the world….

I have narrated all of this only to substantiate one argument … that the path [to socialism] now lies though … the largely successful campaign of the Hard Left to take over the Labour Party from inside…