Breaking: right-wing coalition government formed in The Netherlands

A frequent reader alerted me that a new government coalition was just formed in The Netherlands. The conservative Dutch paper De Telegraaf (not related to the UK or Aussie Daily Telegraphs) has more details. (in Dutch)

Totle of the new coaltion agreement: “Hoop, lef, en trots” (hope, guts, and pride). [NB: the Dutch word for ‘guts’ is a Hebrew and Yiddish loanword: lev = “heart”.]

The four coalition parties are:

  • Geert Wilders’s PVV (Partij voor de Vrijheid, Party for Freedom), which is socially liberal, but extremely hawkish on immigration (because they see particularly Muslim immigrant as a threat to the Dutch freedoms — while sometimes failing to see the difference between Muslim and Islamist)
  • The mainstream center-right VVD (Vereniging voor Vrijheid en Demokratie, Union for Freedom and Democracy) of outgoing PM Mark Rutte
  • The new NSC (Nieuw Sociaal Contract) party, which stresses good governance and transparency
  • The BBB (Boeren Burger-Beweging, Farmers Citizens Movement) which arose in protest to ever more onerous restrictions on agriculture for the sake of “the climate”

Some key points from the agreement

  • drastic curtailment of “refugee” migration, on the Danish model
  • tax cuts for the lower middle class
  • reversing Rutte’s disastrous agricultural restrictions
  • at the EU level, no exit, but a push for EU reform, particularly on immigration and climate


One thought on “Breaking: right-wing coalition government formed in The Netherlands

  1. Sounds like some good news for a change. Perhaps Europe as Western Civilization is not lost yet. Many pundits said a coalition with Wilders was impossible, but here it is.

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