Looking around, June 24, 2024: Kaspersky banned, ESG on the wane, hasbara woes, registering illegals to vote, Nuriyah Khan on the left’s slobbering love affair with Islamism

  • Irene Kenyon about the ban of the Kaspersky antivirus software on suspicion of being Russian spyware
  • Powerline on how investors are finally seeing through the “ESG” (Environmentalist and Socialist Garbage) fad. May it indeed be consigned to the ash heap of history
  • Following claims by Israeli PM Netanyahu that the US is “holding back” arms deliveries (some of it backfilling of stock that has been sent to Ukraine), and the “lady doth protest too much” answers of the Biden regime, Times of Israel quotes an official has a third answer: “US hasn’t withheld weapons for Israel, but it’s done fast-tracking them; Emergency protocol used to cut through bureaucratic procedures in early months of war no longer in place, as intensity of IDF fighting drops and US fears of regional war rise”,
  • just what we needed (NOT): typically dysfunctional, self-defeating “partatch” (freely: doing things half-arsed[*]) at Israel’s hasbara (public diplomacy) directorate. The country’s alleged First BDSM Mistress, “Sar ha-Netanyahu” [a pun lierally meaning “Minister of the Netanyahu”], is once again showing her mierdas touch, where she is the worst enemy of her husband.
  • From conspiracy theory to reality: https://instapundit.com/654941/ https://nypost.com/2024/06/14/us-news/how-non-citizens-are-getting-voter-registration-forms-across-the-us-and-how-republicans-are-trying-to-stop-it/ Beyond revolting
  • Following up on yesterday’s interview with ex-Muslima Yasmine Mohammed, here is another interesting one from the same channel: Nuriyah Khan on the left’s slobbering but hypocritical love affair with Islamism

[*] Via Yiddish, from a Russian verb meaning “to bungle; to mess up”

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