Crisis of trust: none to blame but themselves; “catamitocracy”

(a) Dennis Prager wonders why, out of all the nations in the developed world, the USA stands alone in that half (!) the population does not trust elections to be fair.

Last week, 27 European nations voted for their representatives in the European Parliament.

If you were aware of this, did you happen to notice that there were no allegations of cheating in any European country? If you are on the left, you might respond that there were no such allegations because the right did better than the left, and it’s the right that makes these allegations.

But that response has little merit. For one thing, there were no such allegations, let alone demonstrations, during all the years left-wing parties won European Parliamentary elections or national elections. For another, in America, it is not only the right that has charged election fraud: Hillary Clinton, for example, still claims the 2016 election was stolen from her.

The fact is that, among democracies, America is essentially alone in having nearly half its population mistrust election results. So, either America is cursed with a paranoid population, or there are valid reasons for Americans to mistrust their elections’ results.

There is no question it is the latter. America is unique among democracies in having half its people mistrust election results because America is unique among democracies in the way it conducts its elections.

America is almost alone among democracies in not demanding that voters provide any identification when they vote. For some reason, the American left vehemently opposes voter ID. It claims voter ID is racist and that those who favor it are engaged in “voter suppression.” This is prima facie absurd: Are airports racist for demanding passenger identification? Does passenger ID result in “passenger suppression”? The most plausible reason the left opposes voter ID is to enable some degree of voter fraud. If that is not the reason, isn’t it enormously irresponsible to cultivate doubts about election integrity among half its country’s citizens — for no valid reason? Moreover, in no other country does its left oppose voter ID.

(b) on its LinkedIn page, the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education reports that the percentage of people who “have great trust” in the higher education system has fallen to a historical low of 28%. Gee, I have absolutely no idea why? Next, you’re gonna tell me there’s gambling going on at Rick’s Café.

Case in point:

HIGHER EDUCATION, A TOXIC INDUSTRY:  A Frightening View of Free Speech and Academic Freedom at Harvard: A Harvard Dean suggests universities can and should limit controversial speech. “Professor Lawrence Bobo, Dean of Social Science and the W. E. B. Du Bois Professor of the Social Sciences at Harvard University, has an article in the Harvard Crimson on the proper limits of faculty speech that has to be read to be believed.”

What’s in a name? “Bobo” as in “bourgeois bohemian”, as in the Spanish slang word for “fool”? Embrace the healing power of “and”.

(c) My goodness: both Boeing and Airbus may have been affected by “fake titanium” parts from China.

(c) Political neologism of the day: “catamitocracy” = government by male prostitutes. Or “government by bum-boys”, if you like.

(A government by female prostitutes would be a “pornocracy” from Greek porné=wh*re.)

One thought on “Crisis of trust: none to blame but themselves; “catamitocracy”

  1. The US Left has vehemently – and successfully – opposed voter ID for decades because without the endemic cheating this allows them, it would quickly become clear this is a majority center-right country. My educated guess (based on following this issue for a long time) is that strict voter ID plus actual eligibility-checks to register would see the next election coming down very roughly 55-45 right-centrist.

    This would quickly lead to a major party realignment (under the US system that pretty much mandates two broad coalitions competing to be the majority.) In particular (and devoutly to be wished) the ~20% US radical fringe (the controlling half of the current Dem base) that supports all manner of destructive things (not least Hamas) would be drastically reduced as the trendies flee the hard-core rump being rendered unacceptable as a member of any coalition that aspires to a majority.

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